Authorised managing director: Frerk Brand, Wolfgang Franzelius
Registration court: District Council Oldenburg (Oldb.), Germany
Register number: 4283
Value added tax identification number acc. to §27a German sales tax law: DE 198740969
Tax number: 64/200/28098
Email: contact@hb-hunte.de
Authorised representative manager: Hartwig Brand
Sales tax identification number acc. to §27a German sales tax law: DE 812293669
Tax number: 64/106/17279
Email: ingbuero@hb-hunte.de
The contents of the linked pages are the sole responsibility of their operators.
Lambertistraße 3
26121 Oldenburg
Web: www.deuxundmeister.de
E-Mail: info@deuxundmeister.de
Tel: +49 (0) 441 93658002